Explore the Unique Flavors of Djarum Filtered Clove Cigars
Get to Know Don Felo Cigars
Dutch Masters Cigars: A leading American brand
Masters is a well-known cigar brand in the United States. They are manufactured
in Puerto Rico using modern production techniques alongside traditional methods
to ensure quality. Founded in 1911, Dutch Masters is one of the oldest cigar
brands in the U.S. and has maintained its popularity for over a century.
How is the flavor of a cigar perceived?
experience of smoking a cigar is a multisensory combination where both flavor
and aroma play crucial roles. Appreciating a cigar involves not only tasting it
but also inhaling and enjoying its aromas because they enrich and complement
the perceived flavors.
What You Need to Know About Captain Black Cigars
Black Little Cigars is a brand owned by Scandinavian Tobacco Group, a company
with a long history in the tobacco industry.
Cheyenne International, the North Carolina Tobacco Company
Founded in
2002, Cheyenne International is a tobacco product manufacturer located in North
Carolina, the heart of America's tobacco country.
Backwoods. Popular cigars with a rustic appearance.
The history
of Backwoods Cigars spans over 50 years. Originally called Backwoods Smokes,
the company started as a cigarette manufacturer in 1973. Although they were
highly successful, due to regulations limiting advertising on radio and
television, they decided to discontinue cigarette production and focused on
making cigars.
Four Nicaraguan cigars among the top 5 cigars of 2023, according to Cigar Aficionado's Top 25-2023
has become the leader in the premium cigar market in the United States. Since
2016, when it displaced the Dominican Republic from the top spot as the
exporter of premium cigars to the United States, Nicaragua has exported more
premium cigars to this market than any other country.
Handmade cigars vs. Machine-made cigars. What sets them apart?
One hundred
years ago, all cigars were handmade. The first machines for making cigars came
out in 1920, increasing production and reducing costs. This does not mean that
artisanal production has ceased, on the contrary, its demand grows steadily.
What importance does the country of origin have when choosing a cigar?
Have you tried the Al Capone cigars?
NUB: An innovative concept from Oliva
Cigarettes and filtered cigars. What is the difference?
There are such significant differences between filtered cigars and
cigarettes that perhaps it could be said that the only thing they have in
common is that they are both made with tobacco and that most cigarettes contain
filters. Here are some of the differences that stand out the most:
Public Cigar Smoking Etiquette
Two renowned cigar brands united by one family
Rick Meerapfel, the name behind the Cameroon wrapper
With a
unique and incomparable flavor, blending spicy-sweet, chocolatey and
coffee-like tones that bring a toasty, crisp aroma and silky feel to the experience,
the Cameroon cape is one of the rarest, most prestigious and expensive wrappers
in the world. Some believe it is the most exclusive wrapper on the planet.
Do you know the leaves for cigars wrappers? Part 2
Do you know the leaves for cigar wrappers? Part 1
The leaves
used for cigar wrappers, also known as "binders" or
"wrappers," are carefully grown, harvested and processed because they
play an important role in the flavor, aroma and overall appearance of a cigar.